

First Class of Online Master’s Students Transform Digital Learning


Submitted by Angela Schiff on Thu, 02/27/2020 – 8:00am

Angela Schiff于2020年2月27日星期四上午8:00提交

In fall 2019, The University of Texas at Austin launched the Master of Computer Science Online. Through a partnership with edX, an online platform for education and learning, the university was able to bring Texas Computer Science’s top-ranked degree to students around the world, in an affordable and flexible program.

2019年秋季,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校推出了计算机科学硕士在线课程。通过与教育和学习的在线平台edX的合作,该大学得以以一个负担得起的、灵活的项目,将德州计算机科学的顶 级学位带给世界各地的学生。

The inaugural class is composed of students scattered across 15 countries, with ages ranging from 20 to 64. Though the master’s students are located in various time zones and have different schedules, many find that they are still able to connect with each other. Ross Spencer, a current professional who is enrolled in the program, has been able to communicate with his peers and learn from them. He noted, “my classmates are incredibly bright…I’ve started building relationships that will grow beyond the classroom into a network of like-minded people passionate about our field.”

开学班学生分布在15个国家,年龄从20岁到64岁不等。尽管硕士研究生所处的时区不同,作息时间也不尽相同,但很多人发现他们仍然能够相互联系。Ross Spencer是一名目前的专业人士,他已经加入了这个项目,他能够与同龄人交流并向他们学习。他指出:“我的同学们都非常聪明……我已经开始建立人际关系,这种关系将从课堂发展成为一个志同道合、对我们领域充满热情的人的网络。”

Designed for professionals and students alike, the online master’s program maintains the same quality and rigor of the on-campus program and is taught by Texas CS faculty members. The online master’s program serves as a potential solution for individuals worried about the time and geographic constraints of an on-campus master’s program. Spencer added, “when this program was announced and the course selection was made available, I knew I could have the best of both worlds between industry and academia at an affordable price without sacrificing rigor or reputation.”


This year, students had the option to take courses in subjects such as machine learning, algorithms, and advanced operating systems. With the announcement of additional courses in the coming semesters such as Android Programming, students will have the opportunity to further tailor their academic experience. Course modules are released on a weekly basis, and students can access them online or through a mobile app. Professors and teaching assistants hold regular office hours, and students are encouraged to ask questions through online Q&A platforms.


When asked about her experience with the online instructional environment, master’s student Sherry Xiaoyi Zhu commented that “I have found it a very effective learning mode….it’s easier for me to arrange my schedule around work and personal life. I am also able to reach out to instructors for any course-related concerns through Piazza and ask questions during the office hours.”

当被问到她在网络教学环境中的经验时,硕士生朱晓怡(Sherry Xiaoyi Zhu)评论道:“我发现这是一种非常有效的学习模式……我更容易安排工作和个人生活的日程安排。我还可以通过Piazza联系导师,了解与课程相关的任何问题,并在办公时间提出问题。”

Many universities are moving toward online coursework and learning environments as the technology sector grows and the need for skilled technology professionals increases. UT Austin is leading the way in this transition by bringing its world-renowned curriculum entirely online at an affordable cost relative to other programs of similar quality.

随着科技行业的发展和对技术专业人才需求的增加,许多大学正朝着在线课程和学习环境的方向发展。UT Austin在这一转变中处于领先地位,它将其享誉世界的课程完全在线,与其他类似质量的课程相比,成本低廉。

“UT Austin has a top tier computer science program with a huge network of alumni working all across tech. At the tech companies I’ve worked at, I’ve seen many past MS and PhD graduates from UT Austin holding high scientist positions. I wanted to achieve the same level of success. With the price of the online courses being so affordable for such a highly reputable program, UT Austin was an easy choice,” said current online master’s student Richie Wales when asked about his choice to enroll in the program.

“UT Austin有一个顶 级的计算机科学项目,有一个庞大的校友网络,在我工作过的科技公司里,我见过许多UT Austin过去的硕士和博士毕业生担任高级科学家职位。我想取得同样的成功。在线课程的价格对于这样一个声誉卓著的项目来说实在是太便宜了,奥斯汀大学是一个很容易的选择,”当被问及他选择参加这个项目时,现任在线硕士生里奇·威尔斯说。

This year, Texas Computer Science faculty and staff have set the standard for online computer science master’s programs—but this is just the beginning.


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