

How bad are cyberattacks for the economy? This professor helped the White House assess the damage


News & Media > 2020 > Scherbina Q&A As a senior economist on the Council of Economic Advisers, Anna Scherbina used her expertise to shape policy in Washington, D.C. February 20, 2020 | By Douglas Moser

新闻与媒体;Scherbina Q&A作为经济顾问委员会的高级经济学家,Anna Scherbina利用她的专业知识在华盛顿特区制定了政策。Douglas Moser,2020年2月20日

Prof. Anna Scherbina contributed to two economic reports for the president during her time on the Council of Economic Advisers.


When White House officials needed an expert to examine the economic impact of cybersecurity threats, they called on Anna Scherbina. Scherbina is an associate professor of finance at Brandeis International Business School. From 2017 to 2019, she served as a senior economist on the Council of Economic Advisers, the executive agency responsible for providing the president of the United States with objective advice on economic policy. In this role, Scherbina literally wrote the chapter on cybersecurity in the 2018 Economic Report of the President. She drew particular attention to data breaches and concluded with her colleagues that malicious cyber activity cost the U.S. economy between $57 billion and $109 billion in 2016, or upwards of 0.58 percent of gross domestic product. “Companies collect a lot of data and innovate, but they don’t always protect their data or intellectual property sufficiently well,” said Scherbina. “Every year, the FBI is keeping tabs on thousands of security breaches.”Scherbina’s work on the council covered a wide range of important and emerging topics — including international finance, FinTech and artificial intelligence. She also contributed to the chapter about AI in the council’s 2019 report. During a recent interview, Scherbina reflected on her work for the White House and why she thinks Brandeis is an exciting place to teach.

当白宫官员需要一位专家来研究网络安全威胁的经济影响时,他们求助于安娜·舍尔比娜(Anna Scherbina),舍尔比娜是布兰迪斯国际商学院(Brandeis International Business School)的金融学副教授。2017年至2019年,她担任美国经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)的高级经济学家,该委员会是负责就经济政策向美国总统提供客观建议的执行机构。在这一职位上,舍尔比纳在《美国总统2018年经济报告》(2018 Economic Report of the president)中直截了当地撰写了有关网络安全的章节。她特别关注数据泄露问题,并与同事们总结道,2016年,恶意网络活动使美国经济损失了570亿至1090亿美元,占国内生产总值(GDP)的0.58%以上,但他们并不总是能很好地保护自己的数据或知识产权。“每年,联邦调查局都会密切关注数以千计的安全漏洞。”舍尔比纳在该委员会的工作涵盖了一系列重要和新兴的话题,包括国际金融、金融科技和人工智能。她还为议会2019年报告中有关人工智能的章节做出了贡献。在最近的一次采访中,舍尔比娜反思了她在白宫的工作,以及她为什么认为布兰代斯是一个令人兴奋的教学场所。

What are the consequences of data breaches and hacking?


I researched the impact of malicious cyber activity, no matter where it came from — cybercriminals, foreign hackers, other nation-states. Foreign hackers are the most difficult adversary to deal with. I assessed the impact on the U.S. corporate sector and found that any given hack can reverberate throughout the economy, way beyond the company that was attacked. When one company is compromised, other businesses feel the impact too because everybody is so connected through different supply chain connections, and through similarities in the technology they use.


How do supply chains and technology amplify the damage?


Imagine if one company experiences a breach. It’s now likely that other companies using similar technology or suppliers will have to investigate whether they were breached at the same time. And now you know there’s some flaw — suddenly there’s the possibility that everybody’s exploiting it. In reality, other firms probably were breached too, but this information may never come out publicly.Supply chains have turned out to be a cybersecurity vulnerability. Companies in a large firm’s supply chain tend to be smaller with fewer resources. Generally speaking, the cyber capabilities of these companies are weaker than, say, a major retailer like Target. But remember the Target data breach? The hackers got in through Target’s HVAC company. That’s why it’s very valuable to know who your suppliers are.


Where do you see artificial intelligence having a big impact?


Artificial intelligence is most useful when you have a lot of data to train it. So what industries will feel the biggest impact from AI? Maybe not finance because our time series is very short, meaning the data is not as good. The possibility of changing regulations also means we’ll have changing data patterns and that’s a challenge for AI.But healthcare is another matter because a disease is more or less always the same. This is an industry where you can really make advances. AI is not going to remove the need for doctors, but it could augment their work by being able to spot suspicious patterns that might be difficult to see with the naked eye.I also see AI taking over tasks like report writing, so there’s a potential impact on lawyers, financial analysts and others. But for something that requires a lot of creativity, especially in identifying the way patterns change, AI is far less effective.


How has Brandeis established itself as a leader in these areas? We are at the forefront at Brandeis International Business School because we can be nimble. Here you can make decisions and adjust curricula very quickly. This is one of the advantages of teaching at a private university. In terms of education, being among the first business schools to move into some of these disciplines, like FinTech, we have this brand recognition that comes from the first-mover status. And we know that there are a lot of unfilled jobs, a lot of demand. So it’s easier for our students to get hired, and through that, we’re establishing enduring relationships with many up-and-coming companies.


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