

ISyE’s Alexander Shapiro Elected to the National Academy of Engineering


Feb 12 2020


Professor Alexander Shapiro, who holds an A. Russell Chandler III Chair in Georgia Tech’s H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE), has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering’s (NAE) as part of the Class of 2020. Election to the NAE is among the highest professional distinctions accorded an engineer.

Alexander Shapiro教授在乔治亚理工学院的H.Milton Stewart工业与系统工程学院(ISyE)担任A.Russell Chandler III主席,他被选为国家工程学院(NAE)2020级的一员。选举NAE是授予工程师的最高专业资格之一。

In announcing Shapiro’s election to the prestigious organization, the NAE commended him for “contributions to the theory, computation, and application of stochastic programming.”


“We are delighted that Alex’s extraordinary career and contributions to the field have been recognized with his induction into the NAE. He has been a pioneer in optimization, and this honor is testament to his research work and accomplishments,” stated Steve McLaughlin, dean of the College of Engineering and Southern Company Chair.

“我们很高兴亚历克斯的非凡职业生涯和对这个领域的贡献已经得到认可,他被引入国家职业教育学院。他一直是优化领域的先驱,这一荣誉证明了他的研究工作和成就,”工程学院院长、南方公司董事长史蒂夫•麦克劳林(Steve McLaughlin)表示。

“Congratulations to Alexander on this outstanding professional achievement,” said ISyE School Chair Edwin Romeijn. “This well-deserved recognition and honor confirms his leadership in the field of stochastic programming. We are proud to have him as a member of the ISyE and Georgia Tech communities, and I know he will continue to make noteworthy contributions to our field in the future.”


An example of application of Shapiro’s research is the work he did a few years ago with Operador Nacional do Sistema Eletrico (ONS) in Brazil, described in an issue of Georgia Tech publication Research Horizons.

夏皮罗研究应用的一个例子是他几年前在巴西与Operado Nacional do Sistema Eletrico(ONS)合作完成的工作,在乔治亚理工大学出版的《研究视野》(research Horizons)杂志上有描述。

Brazilian power system generation is dominated by hydroelectric sources using large reservoirs. ONS uses a complex computer algorithm that models the system to help ensure that electricity generation meets the demand at minimum expected cost, planning the generation of power based on such information as electricity demand forecast and water inflow scenarios based on the historical data. To improve the system, ONS decided to develop a methodology for adding a risk aversion criterion to the planning model. It contacted Shapiro because of his expertise in optimizing systems using stochastic programming, a technique useful for modeling complex systems when not all input parameters can be known.


The system presented a classic optimization challenge concerning the use of a resource whose future availability could not be determined with accuracy. Shapiro worked with ONS to understand the problem formulation and suggested some modifications that would reduce the risk of energy supply failures. The changes he made rely on stochastic programming, which is often used for modeling optimization programs that involve uncertainty.


In addition to his work on optimization and stochastic programming, Shapiro’s research interests also focus on risk analysis, sensitivity analysis of nonlinear programs, and multivariate statistical analysis.


Shapiro has received other notable accolades for his research. In 2004, he joined the list of ISI Highly Cited Researchers. He was awarded the INFORMS Optimization Society’s Khachiyan Prize for lifetime achievements in optimization in 2013. In 2018 Shapiro received the George B. Dantzig Prize, awarded by the Mathematical Optimization Society and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

夏皮罗的研究还获得了其他显著的荣誉。2004年,他加入了ISI被高度引用的研究人员名单。2013年,他被授予INFORMS Optimization Society的Khachiyan优化终身成就奖。2018年,夏皮罗获得了数学优化学会和工业及应用数学学会颁发的乔治·B·丹泽奖。

“I am honored to be elected to the NAE. This came as a complete surprise to me. Joining our outstanding faculty members of NAE makes me proud,” said Shapiro.


Shapiro received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics-statistics from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) in 1981. He joined ISyE in 1991.


He and the other 86 newly elected members will be formally inducted at NAE’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C., on October 4, 2020. Three other faculty members from Georgia Tech were also selected as Class of 2020 members: Wallace H. Coulter Chair Professor Susan Margulies in the Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering; HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control and Professor Tim Kurfess; and Regents’ Professor and Brook Byers Professor of Sustainable Systems Marilyn Brown in the School of Public Policy.

他和其他86名新当选的成员将于2020年10月4日在华盛顿特区举行的NAE年会上正式就职。乔治亚理工学院的另外三名教员也被选为2020届成员:华莱士·H·库尔特(Wallace H.Coulter)生物医学工程系主任苏珊·马古利斯(Susan Margulies)教授;休斯科/拉米雷斯(HUSCO/Ramirez)流体动力与运动控制杰出主席和蒂姆·库费斯(Tim Kurfess)教授;以及公共政策学院的摄政教授和布鲁克·拜尔斯可持续系统教授玛丽莲·布朗。

Shapiro joins other ISyE faculty who are already members of the NAE, including Carolyn J. Stewart Chair and Professor Jan Shi (2018); John Hunter Chair and Professor Arkadi Nemirovski (2017); Coca-Cola Chair in Engineering Statistics and Professor Jeff Wu (2004); Regent’s Professor Emeritus H. Donald Ratliff (1996); Professor Emeritus William Rouse (1991); and Professor Emeritus Ellis Johnson (1988); and A. Russell Chandler III Chair and Institute Professor George Nemhauser (1986).

夏皮罗加入了其他已经是NAE成员的ISyE教员,包括Carolyn J.Stewart主席和Jan Shi教授(2018年);John Hunter主席和Arkadi Nemirovski教授(2017年);可口可乐工程统计主席和Jeff Wu教授(2004年);Regent名誉教授H.Donald Ratliff(1996年);退休教授威廉·劳斯(1991年);退休教授埃利斯·约翰逊(1988年);A.拉塞尔·钱德勒三世主席兼研究所教授乔治·内姆豪泽(1986年)。

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