

Two NYU Tandon teams are Austin-bound for the South by Southwest Innovation Awards

FOCUS of the MONTH Posted:January 30, 2020



Members of the MakerBrace VIP team displaying orthotic devices created using 3D-printing technology

MakerBrace VIP团队的成员展示使用3D打印技术创建的矫正设备

Since launching in 1987 as a small music festival, South by Southwest (SXSW) has burgeoned into what is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost curators of creativity, cutting-edge tech and thought leadership in the world. Held annually in Austin, Texas, SXSW now attracts tens of thousands of attendees to its 10-day line-up of keynote talks, panel discussions, interactive demonstrations, film openings, concerts, and more.

自1987年作为一个小型音乐节推出以来,西南偏南(SXSW)迅速发展成为世界上公认的创意、尖端技术和思想领 袖的最重要策展人之一。SXSW每年在德克萨斯州奥斯汀举行,现在吸引了数万名与会者参加为期10天的主题演讲、小组讨论、互动演示、电影开幕、音乐会等。

One of the most hotly anticipated events each year is the SXSW Innovation Awards, which recognize the most exciting emerging tech developments across 13 categories. This year, two Tandon teams stood out in the crowded field as leaders in student innovation and climate, culture & social impact, and they’ll be headed to Austin on March 14 for the 2020 Finalist Showcase. (Winners will be announced at an awards dinner on March 16.)


The MakerBrace: Prototyping a more affordable future for orthotics


The MakerBrace is the work of an interdisciplinary team led by Victoria Bill that uses advanced 3D-printing technology at the NYU Tandon MakerSpace to try to improve the lives of some of the 17 million people worldwide living with cerebral palsy. The group, which takes part in NYU Tandon’s Vertically Integrated Projects program, points out that while orthotic devices like braces can help those with cerebral palsy and other mobility disorders perform everyday activities and gain independence, the cost involved – particularly in the case of a child who will quickly outgrow a device – can be prohibitive.

MakerBrace是由维多利亚比尔领导的跨学科团队的工作,该团队在纽约大学坦顿MakerSpace使用先进的3D打印技术,试图改善全球1700万脑瘫患者中的一些人的生活。参与NYU Tandon垂直整合项目计划的小组指出,虽然矫正装置(如支架)可以帮助脑瘫和其他运动障碍患者进行日常活动并获得独立性,所涉及的成本——特别是对于一个将很快超过设备的孩子来说——可能会令人望而却步。

To mitigate that problem, the team is designing and fabricating low-cost, highly adaptable, 3D-printed braces, working under the supervision of occupational therapists and clinicians. Thanks to a strong partnership with NYU Langone’s Rusk Rehabilitation Center, they’re taking their skills from the classroom to the real world: they have now tailored devices for several actual patients, all of whom have shown positive improvement in function.


Sunthetics: Manufacturing a cleaner future


Your hoodie may soon be made in a greener, more sustainable way thanks to Sunthetics. Founded by alum Myriam Sbeiti (’18) and doctoral student Daniela Blanco and based on technology developed in the lab of Assistant Professor Miguel Modestino (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), the company is developing AI-optimized chemical reactors for the sustainable manufacture of nylon intermediates, using 30% less raw material and 30% less energy and reducing manufacturing costs by 20%.

多亏了阳光疗法,你的连帽衫很快就会以更环保、更可持续的方式生产出来。该公司由明矾(alum Myriam Sbeiti,18岁)和博士生丹尼拉·布兰科(Daniela Blanco)创立,以米格尔·莫德斯蒂诺(Miguel Modestino,化学和生物分子工程)助理教授实验室开发的技术为基础,正在开发用于可持续制造尼龙中间体的人工智能优化化学反应器,所用原料减少30%,所用原料减少30%减少能源和降低20%的制造成本。

The founders envision the process being of interest to not just the fashion industry — which produces millions of tons of petrochemical-based nylon each year, thereby generating significant emissions of carbon dioxide — but to anyone in the broader chemical-manufacturing world seeking greener production methods.


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