

Six College of Engineering Awards Accepted by ME Faculty




Each academic year the College of Engineering sets out to recognize outstanding faculty for their work and dedication. They are nominated and supported by other colleagues. A total of 19 awards were given and below are the six ME faculty members/team who were honored:


ARC (Automotive Research Center) Team – Ted Kennedy Family Faculty Team Excellence Award


The ARC Team includes: Kira Barton, Andre Boehman, Bogdan Epureanu, Tulga Ersal, Brent Gillespie, Panos Papalambros, Huei Peng, Bogdan Popa, Don Siegel, Anna Stefanopoulou, Dawn Tilbury, Ram Vasudevan, Anouck Girard, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Dimitra Panagou, Ed Durfee, Heath Hofmann, Necmiye Ozay, Jessie Yang, Lionel Robert, Matthew Reed.

ARC团队包括:Kira Barton、Andre Boehman、Bogdan Epureanu、Tulga Ersal、Brent Gillespie、Panos Papalambros、Huei Peng、Bogdan Popa、Don Siegel、Anna Stefanopoulou、Dawn Tilbury、Ram Vasudevan、Anouck Girard、Ilya Kolmanovsky、Dimitra Panagou、Ed Durfee、Heath Hofmann、Necmiye Ozay、Jessie Yang、Lionel Robert、Matthew Reed。

This award honors the production of an extraordinary and significant piece of work from current or recent collaboration in teaching or research to the College of Engineering. Examples might include but are not limited to a new device or process, a new theory, a significant practical application, or a new curriculum development.


Shanna Daly – Monroe-Brown Foundation Education Excellence Award.


The Monore-Brown Foundation Education Excellence Award honors those who demonstrated sustained excellence in curricular development, instruction, and guidance at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This includes demonstrated excellence in graduate student supervision; the development of new courses, teaching laboratories, teaching techniques, textbooks, and software.

Monore Brown Foundation教育卓越奖表彰那些在本科和研究生两级课程开发、教学和指导方面表现出持续卓越的人。这包括在研究生管理方面的卓越表现;新课程、教学实验室、教学技术、教科书和软件的开发。

Karl Grosh – Rexford E. Hall Innovation Excellence Award.


The award recognizes any of the following accomplishments: a) developed a breakthrough technology and demonstrated its transformational potential in engineering practice or the market; b) taken significant innovation developed, in part, within the College through to market readiness, either through partnership with a commercial enterprise or by starting a company; c) taken significant innovations developed, in part, within the College and deployed them towards societal good. This award is intended to recognize entrepreneurial aspects of innovation that fall outside the scope of innovation in basic research, education, and service.


Wei Lu – George J. Huebner, Jr. Research Excellence Award


This award honors those who have demonstrated sustained excellence in research and related scholarly activities.


Chinedum Okwudire – Raymond J. and Monica E. Schultz Outreach and Diversity Award.


The Raymond J. and Monica E. Schultz Outreach and Diversity Award honors those with a deep and sustained commitment to outreach and diversity as an important part of the University’s educational mission as demonstrated by academic and outreach programs that show intellectual excellence and diversity in service, teaching, and scholarship

Raymond J.和Monica E.Schultz外展和多样性奖表彰那些对外展和多样性有着深刻和持续承诺的人,这些承诺是大学教育使命的重要组成部分,学术和外展项目证明了他们在服务、教学和奖学金方面的智力卓越和多样性

Michael Umbriac – Thomas M. Sawyer, Jr. Teaching Award.


This award honors those who have demonstrated sustained excellence in curricular development, instruction, and guidance at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.


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