乔治亚理工学院学生获得COE文化冠 军奖(乔冶亚大学)

乔治亚理工学院学生获得COE文化冠 军奖

Lisa Cox Receives the COE Culture Champion Award

Lisa Cox获得COE文化冠 军奖

Dec 17 2019


Perhaps no other staff member at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) interacts with more of the School’s faculty and staff than does Lisa Cox.

也许在H.Milton Stewart工业与系统工程学院(ISyE)的其他工作人员中,没有人比Lisa Cox更能与学院的教职员工互动。在线咨询

Cox, in her role as ISyE’s human resources administrative manager, is responsible for all staff and faculty human resources issues, including recruiting and hiring, immigration, and employee relations. She also handles the hiring of postdoctoral fellows, temporary researchers, the hiring packages for academic and research faculty, and coordinates the visiting scholar process. And then there are her daily interactions with the faculty and staff who drop by her office to ask a quick question about, say, benefits or workplace-related concerns.


These are responsibilities she takes seriously, and in acknowledgment of her hard work, Cox was recently honored with the Georgia Tech College of Engineering (COE) Culture Champion Award at the COE Staff Engagement Day. The award is given to a staff member who advocates for a positive and productive culture, works to support and develop successful cultural practices, and strives to make a difference.

这些都是她认真对待的责任,为了感谢她所做的努力,考克斯最近在考伊员工订婚日上获得了乔治亚理工学院(COE)文化冠 军奖。该奖项颁发给一名提倡积极和富有成效的文化、致力于支持和发展成功的文化实践并努力有所作为的工作人员。在线咨询

“I am delighted that Lisa has been given the COE Culture Champion Award,” said ISyE School Chair Edwin Romeijn. “We all know how much Lisa does for ISyE, not only as an excellent HR manager, but also as a leader in building a very collegial, supportive, and inclusive environment in the School. We are lucky to have her as a member of the ISyE family. Congratulations to her on this important and well-deserved recognition.”

“我很高兴丽莎获得了COE文化冠 军奖,”ISyE学校主席Edwin Romeijn说。“我们都知道Lisa对ISyE有多大的帮助,她不仅是一位优秀的人力资源经理,而且还是一位在学校建立一个非常合群、支持性和包容性环境的领 导者。我们很幸运她是伊斯叶家族的一员。祝贺她获得这一重要的、当之无愧的承认。”

Cox’s colleagues clearly concur. While the award nomination process is confidential, Dean Steve McLaughlin shared some of the nominators’ praise for Cox’s work at the college-wide event before announcing her as the recipient.

考克斯的同事们显然同意。虽然奖项提名过程是保密的,但在宣布考克斯获得提名之前,院长史蒂夫·麦克劳克林(Steve McLaughlin)分享了一些提名者对考克斯在全校活动中所做工作的赞扬。

“This year’s winner has been described as a person with a can-do spirit; a hard worker; someone who keeps an even temperament even when frustrated; who looks not only for the quick resolution to problems but the right resolution; who is willing to step in no matter what the job,” McLaughlin said. “Not only were they cited as being efficient and effective, but as one nominator wrote, ‘They have been an important contributor to a revived culture.’


“They were singled out for their love of people and the fact they try to lift the spirits of those around them. Helpful, accommodating, and committed to delivering a high level of service to anyone who may need it were among the attributes listed.”


We had the opportunity to sit down with Cox to ask about her 32 years at Georgia Tech, what a typical work day looks like for her, and what motivates her to take care of the ISyE family.


Give us a brief overview of your career at Georgia Tech.


I started at Tech in March 1989, when I was hired as the receptionist for the Alumni Association. After several different roles there, I moved over to the Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience as an administrative support person. From there, I went to the College of Engineering, where I served as the executive assistant to Dean Don Giddons, until he retired. I then went to the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE), serving as the chair’s assistant for Cecil J. “Pete” Silas Chair and Professor Ronald Rousseau. About a year into my ChBE role, Jane Ammons, who was the ISyE school chair at that time, asked me if I was interested in applying for the executive assistant position her office had available, which is how I ultimately ended up at ISyE. And then I moved into the role of ISyE’s HR administrative manager, which I’ve held for five years.

1989年3月,当我被聘为校友会的接待员时,我开始在理工大学工作。在那里担任了几个不同的职务之后,我转到了生物工程和生物科学研究所,担任行政支持人员。从那以后,我进入了工程学院,在那里我担任了唐·吉登斯院长的行政助理,直到他退休。然后我去了化学与生物分子工程学院(ChBE),担任Cecil J.“Pete”Silas主席和Ronald Rousseau教授的主席助理。在我担任ChBE一年左右的时候,当时担任ISyE学校主席的简·阿蒙斯问我是否有兴趣申请她办公室现有的行政助理职位,这也是我最终在ISyE工作的原因。然后,我进入了ISyE的人力资源管理经理的职位,我已经担任了五年。在线咨询

What made you want to move into your current position?


HR is really all about people. It’s about building relationships. So when I was considering this position, I realized that it would be a unique opportunity to work more closely with people on both a personal and a professional level. I’m also passionate about the administrative and organizational process side of things.


What does a typical day look like for you?


I usually have a plan for my day. Typically, it revolves around posting jobs, hiring folks, getting people on payroll and into the Georgia Tech system – just trying to get my to-do list completed. In addition, people drop in numerous times throughout the day to ask questions about policies or procedures or benefits, so there’s a lot of back-and-forth with tasks.


What is the biggest challenge you face in this role?


Communication. I have to make sure I’m giving the right information to the faculty and staff, and help people understand policies and procedures in a non-technical way, particularly if there’s a policy change, like the new $100 surcharge for insuring a spouse who is able to get insurance outside Georgia Tech. [laughing] I always tell people, “Don’t shoot the messenger!”

沟通。我必须确保我给教职员工提供了正确的信息,并以非技术性的方式帮助人们理解政策和程序,特别是在政策发生变化的情况下,比如为能够在乔治亚理工大学(Georgia Tech)以外获得保险的配偶投保新的100美元附加费[笑]我总是告诉人们,“不要开枪信使!”

You have said you hope to remain in this position until you retire. What are some goals you’d like to accomplish while you’re still here?


With Georgia Tech moving over to OneUSG, there’s going to be many opportunities to learn and help people transition to the new system. I want to be an expert on OneUSG, as well as on the new hiring system that managers are being asked to learn.

随着佐治亚理工大学(Georgia Tech)迁至OneUSG,将有很多机会学习并帮助人们向新系统过渡。我想成为OneUSG的专家,同时也想成为新的招聘系统的专家,而这正是要求经理们学习的。

I also would like to see increased staff engagement at ISyE. That includes more interaction with Professor Romeijn and more interaction between the staff and the faculty. In addition, half of the COE award’s prize money goes to ISyE so we can have a staff engagement activity, and I’m really looking forward to making something special happen out of that fund.


One last question: You’ve been at Tech for many years. What keeps you motivated to be so friendly and engaged with the ISyE faculty and staff?


Without question, it’s relationships. I truly enjoy the people I work with and being able to help someone makes my day. If I know I’ve helped somebody, I’ve done my job.


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