






Banking and Finance MSc

Finance and Management MSc

Human Resource Management MLitt

International Business MLitt

Management MLitt

Management and Information Technology MSc

Marketing MLitt


巴斯大学管理学院(University of Bath School of Management)在欧洲处于领先地位。被公认为英国最好的商学院之一。该校图书馆24小时开放。工程与设计学院实力强劲,在业界拥有优秀的.口碑和很强的影响力,与工商业界联系密切。


Integrated PhD in Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MPhil Research in Management (full-time)

MPhil Research in Management (part-time)

PhD programme in Management (full-time)

PhD programme in Management (part-time)

South Africa Doctor of Business Administration in Higher Education Management (part-time) starting 20 January 2017

MBA Business Administration (part-time) starting 24 April 2017

MBA Business Administration (full-time) starting 25 September 2017

MRes Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MRes Management (part-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Accounting and Finance (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Business Analytics (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Entrepreneurship & Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Finance (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Finance with Banking (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Finance with Risk Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Human Resource Management and Consulting (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Innovation and Technology Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc International Management (full time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Marketing (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (full-time) starting 2 October 2017

MSc Sustainability and Management (full-time) starting 2 October 201


伦敦政治经济学院(The London School of Economics and Political Science),简称LSE。创立于1895年,为伦敦大学联盟成员,与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院并称“G5超级精英大学”,也是英国金三角名校和罗素大学集团成员。


Global MSc Management (two year programme)

MSc Anthropology and Development Management

MSc Development Management

Economics and Management

MSc Human Resources and Organisations (Human Resource Management)

MSc Management

MSc Management and Strategy

MSc Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation


华威大学在工、商、政、学各界均拥有良好口碑,克林顿访英时特地到访参观华威。世界闻名的华威商学院(Warwick Business School,缩写WBS)被誉为英国最顶尖的商学院之一,半个世纪里,华威商学院的卓越表现使其在主要排行榜中稳居英国前5名,欧洲前10名,世界前30名,并处于持续上升的势头


Biotechnology, Bioprocessing & Business Management (MSc)

Business (MSc)

Business Analytics (MSc)

Business Master's – Distance Learning (MBA)

Business Master's – Executive (MBA)

Business Master's – Full-time (MBA)

Cyber Security and Management (CSM) (MSc)

e-Business Management (e-BM) (MSc)

Educational Leadership and Management (MA)

Engineering Business Management (EBM)(MSc)

Healthcare Operational Management (MSc)

Human Resource Management and Employment Relations (MSc)

Information Systems Management & Innovation (MSc)

Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions (MSc/PG Dip)

International Business (MSc)

International Cultural Policy and Management (MA)

International Technology Management (INT) (MSc)

Management (MSc)

Management for Business Excellence (MBE) (MSc)

MBA (distance-learning, full-time, Executive, Global Energy)

Medical Biotechnology and Business Management (MSc)

Programme And Project Management (PPM) (MSc)

Service Management and Design (SMD) (MSc)

Supply Chain and Logistics Management (SCLM) (MSc)

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