




1) What will you study in the United States? (你将在美国学习什么?)

I will study for my Ph.D degree in Electric and Computer Engineering in Auburn University.

2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?(你的专业是什么?你准备修什么方面的专业?)

What's your favorite subject? My major of undergraduate study in ZhongShan university is Computational Science and my major of Ms' degree in Peking University is Computer Engineering. My specified field of study is Video and Image Processing.

3) What will you do in USA? / Are you going to study in USA?(你准备在美国做什么?/你准备在美国学习吗?)

I will study for my Ph.D degree in Electric and Computer Engineering in Auburn University. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.

4)Why not continue your studies in China?(为什么你不继续在中国学习呢?)

Because my career goals are to become a senior executive in a 5-star hotel within 5 years and set up my own hotel within 10 years. In order to achieve these goals, I need advanced and professional knowledge in Hospitality Management. The US can provide the best opportunity for me to get what I need.

You know, there is still a gap between Chinese educational level and the American's. The US has the best educational recourses and models in the world, and the American education combines practical experience with classroom theory while the Chinese education focuses more on theory.

Moreover, hospitality industry is highly developed in America. So I can learn the latest information about hospitality management to enrich my knowledge.

5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?(什么时候/在哪里你拿到理学学士学位/硕士学位?)

I got my Bachelor's degree in Computational Science in 2006 from ZhongShan university. I got my Master's degree in Computer Engineering in 2010 from Peking University.

6) What/where are you studying now? (你现在在哪里学习?)

I'm unemployed now. I quited my job in October this year.

7) How long will you study in USA? (你将在美国学习多久?)

About 4 years. If I wok hard i can get my PHD within a shorter time.

8) Have you received any scholarship?(你拿到什么奖学金吗?)

I did apply for scholarship but I don't know the result yet. Since my advisor told me scholarships will not be processed until after the start of the semester. But even if I didn't get.

9) Why you don't receive financial aid from this Univ.? (你为什么从学校获得了助学金?)

No, the competition in Electric Engineering is very fierce and the budget for international students who want to enroll in Spring semester is limited, so I didn't get any scholarship.

10) What do you do with your work for PhD? (你为你的博士学位做了什么)

I will take courses, teaching, do research, and finish my thesis in the area of image processing to get my Ph.d in Electric Engineering in 4 years.

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