GRE考试句子填空试题及解析7(gre 句子)


1.Even by the company’s own standards of ____,Its early years were extremely _____: it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period.

A. success.. disappointing

B. profitability.. characteristic

C. efficiency.. productive

D. perfection.. inauspicious

E. ethics.. conscientious

2. In the nineteenth century, composers exhibiting ____ skill found themselves ____ as writers by periodicals that afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.

A. artistic.. censured

B. limited.. lionized

C. remarkable…unknow

D. literary.. in demand

E. financial.. out of favor

3.Writers typically do not ____ the great visual artists of their own generation: for Courbet, considered by many to be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time, the poet offered ___ praise.

A. slight.. meager

B. admire.. unstinting

C. evaluate.. extravagant

D. deprecate.. insincere

E. recognize.. scant.



解析:第一空没法入手,由主干大法得知必须先考虑第二空,冒号表示解释型同义重复。由冒号后面完整的信息推出第一空一定是正评价,同义重复后面完整的it manufactured as many as three million appliances a month during that three-year period.第二空选项中是正评价且能表达这个意思的只有C。


解析:根据主干大法,exhibiting ____ skill是修饰主语composers的,所以先不看。先做第2空,第2空显然应该由by后面的所有成分来决定。afforded them an opportunity to earn money and to make their views about music known.是正评价的表述,所以第2空一定填正评价词,B的第2空一看就知道是绝对的正评价词,就算D有点干扰,比较一下第一空也能排除D。


解析:此题第一空填动词,正还是负评价读到冒号暂时没线索,冒号后出现了be the greatest painter of Baudelaire’s time,马上想到就是前面出现的the great visual artists的同义重复,再看后面the poet应该是前面Writers的同义重复,主语宾语都重复出现了,而冒号表示同义重复,这就好办了!构成逻辑分析的是冒号前有否定词not,所以得出两空一定相反。

构成相反感觉的有CE,仔细推敲无论语义还是逻辑都是E最合适(Evaluate是中性词,与extravagant构成不明显的反义,而recognize有认可赞同之意,与scant praise构成反义)。

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